Internet Services
28 Reasons

28 reasons to develop your company’s presence on the world wide web.
- Establish a global presence at a very low cost.
- Serve your customers better.
- Share important business information quickly.
- Give your current and potential customers more reasons to do business with you.
- Generate greater awareness about your company and its products and services.
- Provide public relations material and press releases to keep people informed.
- Disseminate private internal company information to your staff around the world.
- Advertise.
- Sell yourself and your products.
- Answer frequently asked questions to save time and money in customer service.
- Stay in contact with suppliers and sales people.
- Make business easier to transact.
- Open international markets, and serve existing ones better and cheaper.
- Provide 24 hour service your phones may not get answered but your web site will.
- Save printing costs. Information is easily updatable and changeable on the Web.
- Test market ideas.
- So people who are state of the art know you’re state of the art.
- To be among the first, to lead not follow.
- Efficiency reach more people for less money.
- Let people come to you versus you seeking them.
- Save money in advertising and marketing.
- Find qualified employees.
- Build your brand name.
- Supplement your traditional marketing and sales campaign.
- Let pre-qualified customers find you, and increase your closing ratio.
- Share information non-invasively, to be in front of your customer without pressure.
- Give people information on their terms.
- Be progressive enough to impress people.