Market Research Media Analysis
SIN Number 541-4A
SIC Code 8713
NAICS Code 541910

Right Audience. Right Media. Right Creative.
Hamilton & Bond will research and develop strategic communications programs designed to maximize impact and value for agencies with information goals for a specific industry or group of industrial processes or for the general public. Hamilton & Bond will also serve as an independent and professionally recognized third party to review or expand upon existing plans an agency or department may be developing.
Hamilton & Bond market research and media analysis services will identify the optimum cost efficient target audience, establish measurable marketing objectives, determine underlying market dynamics and trends, identify appropriate strategies and recommend tactics to meet achievable objectives.
New market trend research and analysis may be provided in the performance of these services including compilation of currently available research, conducting new focus group research, web-based internet surveys or printing and distributing paper surveys, telemarketing, individual interviews, compiling, analysis and presentation of results. Web based market research efforts will be conducted with a patent pending survey process and software suite which provides generous and highly graphical demographic analysis.
Market & Media Analysis
Online Web-Based Surveys
Message Pre-Testing
Post Message Success Evaluation |
New Age Media Evaluation
Internet Banner Programs
Telephone & Mailed Surveys
Industrial Media Analysis |