Internet Services
Business Class E-mail

So what is Business Class eMail?
For starters, our Business Class eMail service programs your email service to create mail servers for your company's domain, not ours. You get a more corporate and professional presentation of your emails to others. Our business class e-mail features filters for spam (junk email) and virus (nasty unexpected programs that can erase your data files or slow down your computer). We subscribe to databases that help us identify known internet abusers and prevent their attempts to clutter business email with unwanted messages and dangerous viruses.
In addition to protection, we also offer a number of ways to help make email a profitable business tool. We can help you read email from anywhere in the world, on any computer. We can help you create mailing groups that save time in communicating ideas quickly. And we can help you use email to build internet communities that encourage the sharing of ideas and technology. Most important, email can play a very valuable role in your customer service program. How? Just ask us. |